Reputation Defense

Issue: A well known businessman in the Real Estate Industry enlisted the help of Interdiligence, after facing harassment and unfair/harmful publicity in the local and international media, to perform a reputation threat assessment and find approaches/solutions to counteract any findings.

Process:  The Interdiligence analytical team started by using robotic scrapers and scrolls to compile all data and information for OSINT.  This data was then put into our in-house software where we were able to produce financial reports, detailed summaries of reputation damage, tables of open and closed court cases, and relational charts of connections, known and unknown third parties, and individuals and companies that showed ill-will towards the Client.

The operational team worked on the ground to conduct interviews, surveillance, and field interactions with key individuals in the Clients market.  Targeted individuals and companies with connections to entities from the relational chart were approached and interviewed in order to discover a common link and/or a modus operandi of a potential Subject(s).

A report was compiled using all of the obtained data and background information on the Client, business associates, and possible Subjects were included.  The Interdiligence litigation team worked to put together various paths towards negotiations and several legal solutions.  All material was shared with the Client before moving forward.

Findings/Solutions:  The Client was able to use the information and legal advice provided by Interdiligence to move forward with the following:

  • Counteract the negative media;
  • Remove himself from negative associates;
  • Re-negotiate contracts with unfriendly businesses and their associates;
  • File legal cases against the identified Subject;
  • Cease all unfounded negative media locally and internationally.