A real estate & construction business co-owner (the Client) suspected their partner (the Subject) of breaching their business agreement. The Client contracted Interdiligence to deliver a risk analysis report regarding the Subject’s business activities in order to prove or discard the suspicions and if necessary negotiate a termination of their partnership.
Interdiligence’s project team performed public source research, field investigations, and subject surveillance. Large amounts of raw data were sanitized with Interdiligence’s specialized big-data analytic software and processed into usable intelligence. The analysis focused on identifying any business activities conducted by or involving the Subject which could be considered inappropriate and a breach of their of the partnership agreement.
Interdiligence also performed a guided forensic accounting audit on the internal financial documents provided by the Client. The auditors looked for any indication of suspicious financial transactions involving the Subject or any of his potential accomplices.
The Client used Interdiligence’s findings to successfully negotiate a profitable termination of the partnership, with the support of an Interdiligence litigation lawyer.